Monday, April 1, 2013

Our Story

  • In mid-February, our son came down with what we thought was allergies. He was feeling puny and had a stuffy nose and not eating that great, all typical spring allergy symptoms for him.
  • On March 3, we weighed Ben and realized he had lost 6 pounds in 10 days.
  • On March 5 we took him to his pediatrician, knowing something was very wrong. Dr. McQuillen did a urine test and a blood test. We awaited results.
  • On March 6, Dr. McQuillen called and said we were to meet with the oncologist first thing in the morning (March 7).
  • On March 7, we visited with Dr. Kirkpatrick, who ran more blood tests.  He mentioned that Ben did not seem to have leukemia.  He said it was probably some form of virus, but when someone with Dr. McQuillen's caliber asks you to see a patient, you do.  He said he'd probably be fine with some extra vitamins and rest.  We awaited more results.
  • On March 11, we got the viral results back: negative.  No atypical blast cells were found.
  • On March 13, Ben turned four. 
  • On March 21, we went in for a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy to rule cancer out and begin testing for autoimmune diseases.
  • On March 22, after six visits to his pediatrician and two visits to the oncologist, a bone marrow biopsy, and four blood tests, Ben was diagnosed with leukemia. 
  • On March 26, he started chemo.
This is our journey...


  1. Hello, this is Kendra Barnhart. Ben and Laike is in the same class at school. My heart and prayers go out to precious little Ben and all of your family. Please let me know if there is anything at all that my family can do for you. When Ben is feeling up to, I would like to bring Laike by for a visit. I also work with Ben's grandfather, Richard. He knows how to contact me at work.

  2. A common friend shared your story and link with me. We have a similar challenge in my family with cancer affecting one of my young nieces. My prayers and thoughts go to Ben, you and your family. It is inspiring to see how you are facing adversity with such positive energy. Ben will see this bald pictures and have a good laugh when he is a happy and healthy adult!
